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8.08 Safari Quest Six—Mammals

mammal collage: kittens, whale, kangaroo, platypus, fox, chimpanzees, elephant, rabbit, young boy

Mammals usually are an interesting topic to most people because ... well, we're one. All mammals are characterized by having hair and producing milk in mammary glands for feeding their young. Mammals are also the most intelligent of all animals.

Have you ever been to an aquarium or park where they had a dolphin or seal show? Mammals like these have the ability to remember and learn complex tasks. Chimpanzees can even make simple tools out of sticks to help them dig for food in the soil or scoop out ants from an ant hill. The bottom line is that mammals have a very complicated nervous system with a large brain as the control center.

The mammalian brain is a series of folded nerve cells. These folds increase the surface area so that more nervous tissue can fit inside the skull, and it's packed pretty tightly in there!

Let's take a side trip as we head out to view some mammals.

The Nervous System

So mammals are pretty complex. As with all other groups of animals you've discovered, there are a number of characteristics that they all have in common, making them unique. Take some time to explore the mammals of Australia and maybe you'll find that special one that you'll want to include in your Mammals Field Guide.

Australia's Common Mammals

The following are some websites to help you get started researching a mammal of your choice. This is just a start. You may find other websites that will also help you fill in your field guide.

Web Resources:

World Wide Web icon
Animal Diversity Web: Mammals

Teaching and Learning Resources: Mammals

Life Science Connections: Mammals

If you have completed your Mammal Field Guide, head over to the Travel Log tab to finish up.

Images © 2006 with the exception of the platypus © 2006.

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