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4.04 Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction

Time to Reflect

Both asexual and sexual reproductions have their advantages. Some organisms can reproduce only one way, while others can reproduce either way. Reproduction's purpose, no matter which way an organism carries it out, is to continue the survival of the species! That's the bottom line.

Tour Debrief

Regular Students - Submit assessment 4.04 with answer to the following questions:

  • Why do organisms reproduce?
  • How does asexual reproduction differ from sexual reproduction?
  • What advantages does sexual reproduction offer a species?

Honors Students - Submit assessment 4.04 with answers to the following plus4.04 Honors with the Types of Reproduction chart.

  • Why do organisms reproduce?
  • How does asexual reproduction differ from sexual reproduction?
  • What advantages does sexual reproduction offer a species?
4.04 Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction
Regular - 15 points
Honors - 25 points

To complete this activity

Regular Students:
Go to the assessment area and submit the Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction questions as an attachment to 4.04 Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction.

Honors Students:
Go to the assessment area and submit the Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction questions as an attachment to 4.04 Honors Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction.

Remember to take your Travel Log. It will come in handy as you complete the assessment.

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