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4.04 Asexual and Sexual Reproduction

microscopic picture of foraminifera zebra with a plant

The creatures you see in the image on the left are microscopic amoeba-like organisms. They live in these ball-like floating colonies. Simple organisms like these often reproduce asexually. While many more complex multi-celled organisms like the plants and animal that you see on the right, reproduce sexually.

Which is better, sexual or asexual reproduction?

 World Wide Web icon

To explore the of types of reproduction you will complete a SAS inSchool Web Inquiry. This Web Inquiry has a "Respond Sheet" that you will use to collect information as you complete the activity.

Important changes:

Regular students - Copy and paste questions 1 - 3 into a Word document and save it as an .rtf file. You will answer only these three questions.

Honors students - Copy and paste questions 1 - 4. You will answer these questions. You will also need to replace the chart in the Respond file with the one below, so that you are completing only the four sections shown below.

Types of Reproduction

Reproductive Method
Asexual or Sexual Example

Binary Fission:












Now, access the SAS Web Inquiry!

  1. Go to: SAS inSchool Student Gateway.
  2. The first time you enter, you will be prompted for your user name, which is located in the Materials section of the Course Information.
  3. Click "Continue"
  4. 4. Type 56 in the Quick Launch Box (top right area of page)
  5. Print out the questions that you are to complete. They are in the "Respond" section of the SAS link.

We've been working our way through the attractions pretty quickly and my feet need a little rest. While you are working, I'll take the opportunity to sit for a minute and catch up on some of my paper work. Then, when you have completed this exploration, catch the train over to the Genetic Park Activity Center. I'll meet you there.

I'll get set up for your next activity! I can't wait for you to see the Build a Teen Exhibit and Interactive Gallery! Hurry on over!

If you have completed the SAS Web Inquiry move on to the Travel Log tab to continue this activity.

Images © 2006 with the exception of microscopic picture of foraminifera, © Scripps Institute

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