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5.01 Origin of Life

Time to Reflect

Can you believe that? Captain Shaw made a great point. The Scientific Origin of Life theory could explain why so many organisms have very similar DNA. Do you remember Darwin and his theory of evolution? The process of evolution would continue to cause change in species over time creating more complicated living things.

Take a look at this video to find out an example of two organisms with similar DNA.  This may surprise you.
PBS: The Immortal Thread

Wow, this all makes sense! The very process that brought life to earth also continues to change life on earth every day. The scientific theory of evolution can explain how life began and why we have so many species both alive and extinct. Some evolved only a small amount like my bacteria and others became completely new complicated species. Those that could not adapt to change became extinct.

See an animation about when specific animals appeared.
PBS: A Brief History of Life

This is really exciting information and I am sure that you will want to talk about this some more. We can talk more about that late. For now, why don’t you get together with some shipmates and discuss the scientific theory of the origin of life?

In this activity, you'll make an informational flyer to explain the scientific theory of the origin of life. You will also include your theories of how life began on earth. Do you agree with the scientific theory? If so, why? Do you disagree with the scientific theory? If so, present your opinions. 

Before getting started on your flyer, view the Brochure Template and Brochure Grading Rubric.

Tour Debrief

You have completed this activity if you have:

  • added the new terms and their meanings to your Module 5 Glossary Sheet
  • completed the Scientific Theory of the Origin of Life Brochure

5.01: Origin of Life
25 points

To complete the assessment for this lesson:

  1. Go to the assessment area and find the 5.01: The Origin of Life.
  2. Submit your Scientific Theory of the Origin of Life Brochure.

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