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4.08: Genetic Park: DNA Application

Time to Reflect

In the study of genetics, technology has been used to look at the DNA of living things in more detail. Technology is always changing and continues to serve the needs of people all over the world. Technology continues to support areas of genetics from fighting diseases to solving crimes.

  • Identical twins have identical DNA, but they still have different fingerprints.
  • Using technology in the field of genetics can create controversial conversations. It is important to be educated and form your own opinions.

What do you think?

DNA evidence creates some ethical questions that need to be addressed. Ethics is the motivation behind the ideas of what is right and what is wrong. Use the following questions to guide your thinking as you read the information at the website below.

  1. What are some other names for DNA Fingerprinting?
  2. In the section titles "Forensic DNA Analysis" (pink section on right), which suspect is guilty of the crime? How could you tell?
  3. If people are blood relatives, is their DNA similar?
  4. Is DNA evidence alone enough to acquit (innocent) or convict (guilty)?
  5. Is this technology used appropriately for justice?

Get your thinking hat on! "Can DNA Demand a Verdict?"

 World Wide Web icon Learn.Genetics: Can DNA Demand a Verdict?

Prepare your thoughts:

Please answer the following questions. Use complete sentences:

  1. Explain two ways technology is used in the field of genetics. (4 pts)
  2. Justify when you think it is and/or is not appropriate to conduct genetic testing to solve a crime. Describe at least one situation. (4 pts)
  3. Do you think DNA evidence is enough to convict a person of a crime? Give two reasons to support your opinion. (7 pts)

Tour Debrief

To complete this activity make sure that you have:

  • added the new terms and their meanings to your Module 4 glossary page
  • completed the questions on antibiotic resistant bacteria and genetically altered food and responded in your notebook
  • solved the Genetic Park Lab Mystery
  • completed the 5 questions on the uses of DNA technology

4.08 Genetic Park: DNA Application
15 points

To complete this activity:

1. Go to the assessment area and submit your work in the assessment 4.08 Genetic Park: DNA Application.

Remember to take your Travel Log. It will come in handy as you complete the assessment.

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