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4.05 Build a Teen

Just look in a mirror! You are unique, unless you have an identical sibling. You might look a little like one of your parents or not at all. If we had family photos going back through all of the ages, I bet you would find somebody with a nose just like yours on your family tree.

Mirror, Mirror on the wall; Why am I not very tall?

(and the mirror answers:)

It's your great, great, aunt Beatrice...she is the shortest one of all.

In this activity you will:

  • demonstrate how traits are passed to offspring
  • explain how brothers and sisters can be very similar or different in their phenotype and genotype
  • work with a classmate to create a new teenager
  • simulate how inherited traits are determined by chance

Build Your Own Teen

Many of you have probably heard of those "Build a Bear" workshops; where your younger siblings can go to build their very own teddy bear. Well, here at Genetic Park, we cater to an older crowd with our "Build a Teen" workshop. It's your very own opportunity to build that perfect brother or sister to do your laundry.

Put your lab coats on. We are going to do some real investigating!

In this activity you will be a geneticist (someone who researches genes).

  • You will work with another classmate to create a new teenager.

As you work through this simulation, remember that actual genetic inheritance is much more complicated, and is not completely understood by geneticists. Through meiosis and sexual reproduction the uniqueness of the offspring can really be seen.

To build your teen move on to the BioVenture tab!

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