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2.08 Conservation: Get Involved

The Honors student will:

Evaluate a conservation project of their choice and write a letter to their representative describing the need for government support of the project

As you have learned, every person can make a difference in conserving and protecting the biodiversity of our planet. No effort is too small, and there are a lot of ways to get involved.

On the resource website for this activity you will find descriptions of several "eco efforts" and links to more details about the projects. Your task is to read over these projects and choose one that interests you. (If you know of similar organizations actively involved in conservation efforts and would prefer choosing that one, contact your instructor for approval!)

What to Do:

  • Choose a project on wildlife conservation that interests you.
  • As you examine the details of the project:
    • make a list of the reasons why this project is important.
    • think about, and put down on paper, some of the reasons you think that this project should be supported.
  • Now, take your ideas and compose a letter to your legislative representative. In the letter:
    • tell the legislator who you are and why you are writing.
    • tell them about the project (short summary).
    • tell them your ideas about why you believe the project is important and how the project should be supported.
      Note: There are sample letters on the website for you to refer to. However, you need to make it personal. Put in your own ideas!
  • You will submit your letter as an attachment to 2.08 Honors Conservation.

 National Wildlife Federation: Act For Wildlife

Extra Credit Opportunity: 5 Bonus Points

Opportunities for Extra Credit are just that - extra, and will be found very sparingly in this course, but here is one.

  • At the following website you will find some help in finding ways to contact your local representative: Wilderness Society: Find Your Elected Officials
  • Send your letter as an email to your representative.
  • Then, when you receive a response that addresses your concerns, forward the email response to your instructor. Upon receipt, your instructor will award the 5 bonus points on this activity.
2.08 Honors Conservation
20 points
5 Bonus Points possible

Note: You should have completed the regular portion of the activity and should have already submitted the assessment for that part of the activity. If you have not done so, please do that now.

To complete the Honors activity, go to the assessment area and submit your letter to your representative as an attachment to 2.08 Honors Conservation.

Grading Rubric

Your letter should include:

  • Paragraph of introduction - 3 points
  • Paragraph summarizing the project you want them to know about - 5 points
  • Paragraph summarizing the reasons that you think this project is important and should be supported - 5 points
  • Closing paragraph thanking the legislator for taking the time to read your letter and considering the importance of the project - 3 points
  • Correct grammar, punctuation and spelling - 4 points

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