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2.02 Energy Required

That was a pretty long flight, wasn't it?

I wonder how many liters of fuel a plane like ours requires for a long trip like that. An airplane is a complex machine, so I'm sure it takes lots of energy to keep it working.

In this activity you will:
  • recall that all energy for living things ultimately comes from the sun.
  • compare how organisms obtain energy.

Time to Eat!

Now that we're on the ground, I must admit I am starved! Flying makes me hungry! Did you know that food is our fuel? Yep, it is, and we'll needs lots of energy to achieve our goal for this activity - a hike up Trophic Mountain!

All living things must have energy. Energy is the usable power required for many of life's functions to occur in an organism. We humans get our energy from nutrients in the food that we eat. Our bodies digest the food and convert it into usable energy, the energy our bodies need to run, pump blood, think, digest food, and all the other activities that take place in our bodies.

Oh, and one more thing before we start our hike, I am sure you know, but just as a reminder, the ultimate source of energy for all living things is the sun.

Yes! You and I need the sun to keep us alive!

We'll study that connection between the sun and life as we move farther along the trail.

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Click the BioVenture tab to continue your Extreme Eco Challenge and track the energy from the sun.

Images © 2006, British airways plane © Kenton Jacobsen 2006

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