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1.01 Welcome to BioVentures Unlimited

In this activity you will:
  • learn the course motif and your role in the course
  • choose your pace and choose your credit track

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Course Motif

BioVentures Unlimited - You Are Hired!!

This is soooooo exciting! We have been looking for the perfect mystery tourist and we think you are it!

BioVentures Unlimited is a new company, a travel agency of sorts, and before we open our doors to actual adventure seekers, we need to test out our adventure packages on someone - that is where you come in!

As our mystery tourist you will take part in activities our marketing and research departments have put a lot of time and effort into developing.

Here is how it will work:

  • BioVentures Unlimited provides the tour, the tour guides, and activities.
  • You are to complete the adventures that will be marketed to tourists.
  • Here is the clincher, (shhhhh) the tour guides do not know you are not a real tourist.
  • You participate as if you were a real tourist.
  • Your job is to report your findings so that the BioVentures' Research Department (BVRD) can let the tour planners know how things were. Your feedback will provide vital information in making each adventure package perfect for our future customers.

Do you see what your role will be? Can you handle it? If so...

Use the BioVenture tab, at the top of the page, or the next button, at the bottom right, to continue with this lesson.

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