Diagrama de temas
Varsity Sports Winter
Varsity Sports Objectives...
I Can..
-Demonstrate my knowledge of multiple topics surrounding athletic performance including health, skill, program development, and mental abilities.
-Increase my flexibility and muscle responsiveness by daily muscle activation routines.
-Increase my strength and agility in both fast and slow twitch muscle types by daily weight room routines.
-Raise my level of In game/ contest abilities by developing a sound fundamental basis on daily sport specific drills.
Varsity Sports Spring
Varsity Sports Objectives...
I Can..
-Demonstrate my knowledge of multiple topics surrounding athletic performance including health, skill, program development, and mental abilities.
-Increase my flexibility and muscle responsiveness by daily medicine ball warm up activities and stretching.
-Increase my strength and agility in both fast and slow twitch muscle types by daily weight room routines and body weight exercises
-Raise my level of In game/ contest abilities by developing a sound fundamental basis on daily sport and position specific drills.
Anatomy - FPA