Java Settings

When you have Java downloaded on your computer you will need to make sure that you have some settings enabled.

  1. Go to Tools (in the upper menu bar) and find Internet Options.

    This is the screenshot of an Internet Explorer window. Go to Tools in the upper menu bar, a couple of options are showing. Choose the last option – Internet Options.

  2. In the options box that pops up, choose the Advanced tab.

    This is the screenshot of the Internet Options pop up window. The last tab, Advanced, is chosen.

    Then scroll down until you see these two Java settings. Check both.

    Note: as indicated you will need to restart your computer for these to run properly. You do not have to restart immediately unless you need to run a Java applet right away.

    This is the screenshot of two Java settings with checkboxes. The first one is Java (IBM) Use Java 2v1.41 for <applet> (requires restart). The second one is Java (Sun) Use JRE 1.5.0_06 for <applet> (requires restart).

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