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1.00 At the Travel Agency

Hi! Welcome to Biology!

I'm Vicki from Human Resources! and I am here to act as your guide through this first BioTour. We'll explain some of the basics later, but let's get started with some talk about Biology.

What is Biology any way? Well, it is a subject that should be very near and dear to you; it is the study of life!

As you'll see, Biology is the study of life. The course is divided into eight unique BioTours, or modules, as they are called in other online courses. As you take each tour, we hope you'll discover that the study of living things is real, relevant, and quite an adventure! We also hope you'll find the study of Biology fun and challenging!

To be successful you'll have to work hard! You'll want to read directions carefully, pay attention to tips from your tour guide, stay on schedule, and if you really need some help you can always contact the tour supervisor (your instructor).

The first BioTour, At the Travel Agency, focuses on introducing you to the course, processes of science, and the scientific method

Get Started:

What you see below is the Module Checklist. The checklist shows you all of the activities that are to be completed as you work through the module.

Oh, and when you see the Tips icon like this tips icon you just click to see the words of wisdom that are there waiting for you! (Did you click?)

The Module Checklist is given to help you track your progress.

Lab Materials Needed:

Hydrogen peroxide (smallest amount you can purchase from drug store - for lesson 1.05)

Module Checklist
Activity Approximate
1.00 At the Travel Agency 10 min. NA NA
1.01 Welcome to BioVentures Travel Agency 30 min. 20  
1.02 Travel Tips for Navigation 30 min. NA NA
1.03 Travel Tips and Resources 30 min. 15  
1.04 The World of Science 60 min. 10  
1.05 When in Rome: Science as a Process

Regular 90 min.

Honors 45 min.



1.06 When in Rome: Can you Read the Signs 2 hours 26  
1.07 When in Rome: Keys to Communicating 90 min. 30  
1.08 BioTour 1 Review 90 min. 5  

1.09 BioTour 1 Test

60 min.

90 min.




When you have printed the checklist please move on by clicking on the "Next" arrow below.

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