Graphical Behavior

Graphs of Polynomials

When graphing a polynomial, the number of different real roots is the number of times the polynomial crosses the x-axis. A root is the place where the polynomial meets the x-axis. At the x-axis, the value of y is always zero. Other names for roots are solutions, x-intercepts, and zeros.

Starting with a polynomial of degree 1, this is a straight line that will cross the x-axis 1 time. The sign of the coefficient of x tells us if the line will be rising or falling as it runs from left to right. When a polynomial is of degree 2, its graph forms a parabola. The coefficient of the x2 term now determines if the parabola will open up or down. These functions have been discussed in earlier units.

The next one is a third degree polynomial. Again, the leading coefficient, which in this case is the x3 term, determines which way the graph will point. If it is positive, then the graph will go from the lower left corner to the upper right corner of the grid, while a negative coefficient will give a graph going from the upper left corner to the lower right corner of the grid.